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"My friends say I am too young to start Botox, should I start when I start seeing lines & wrinkles??"

Absolutely not! Future you will thank you for starting at a 'preventative' stage vs a corrective stage. Everyone ages differently, and our diet and lifestyle plays a part in our skin health as well. If I had to say a target age to start Botox injections, it would be around 30 years old, IF your goal is to age gracefully and prevent the need for more invasive procedures in the future.  And, if you don't like it, it wears off in 3-4 months, and your muscles go back to their normal movement. 


"I know I should be doing something for my skin, but with so many choices, I don't know where to start!!"

Awareness is the first step to educating yourself and building an easy to follow routine!  Everyone will benefit from a dermaplaning chemical peel facial.  Book that treatment and start there!  At that appointment, a full consult will be completed, and a complimentary full 12-month treatment plan with a skin product routine will be custom built for you. Or, book a complimentary consult to start!    


"I have huge pores & sun spots and hate them both, what should I book?"

Like any skin concern, several treatment options can help and most times, will benefit the most from combining treatments.  I would recommend:

Month 1: Dermaplaning Chemical Peel

Month 2: Classic or PRP Microneedling

Month 3: Microtox Facial

Month 4: Nano-Microinfusion Facial


And, quality skincare products to be used at home in conjunction to in office treatments. A complimentary skin care product consult will be built at your appointment. 



"I already have deep lines and wrinkles, what can I do now to improve my skin?"

Fear not! If you trust the process, understand not one treatment will magically fix years of set in lines, and you use your skincare products consistently at home, we can make drastic improvements to your skin tone, texture, and soften (and sometimes eliminate) the lines and wrinkles.  I would recommend:

Month 1: Dermaplaning Chemical Peel

Month 2: Classic or PRP Microneedling

Month 3: PlasmaIQ

Month 4: Microtox Facial

Month 5: Nano-Microinfusion Facial


And, quality skincare products to be used at home in conjunction to in office treatments. A complimentary skin care product consult will be built at your appointment. 



"I hate the bags under my eyes. What can you do to help?"

Undereyes are a major concern for many people.  I would recommend quality skincare products, PlasmaIQ treatment, PRP injections, and microtox injections.  

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